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Get Interest-Free Loans with Ehsaas Qarz e Hasna Program

The Ehsaas Program Qarz e Hasna is an interest-free loan. This initiative, spearheaded by the Government of Pakistan, extends financial aid to those with low income, those who can’t afford all their daily needs, or wish to begin small-scale trading but do not have the available capital to so do. It plans to establish entrepreneurs, a self-dependent society, and a source of steady income for the poor through these interest-free loans.

Ehsaas Program is one of the largest protection schemes in Pakistan. Launched in 2019 with a vision for the upliftment of the vulnerable section of society, cash transfers, scholarships, and financial aid to various segments of the population, including women, disabled persons, and orphans, are included. This is where the Qarz e Hasna scheme steps in as one of its significant elements. In simple terms, “Qarz e Hasna” is a no-interest loan.

The objective of the Qarz e Hasna Scheme

First, the Qarz e Hasna scheme purported to function as a financial safety net for poor people. Many people in Pakistan can technically manage small businesses or invest in productive activities, but they cannot because they lack access to resources. High interest rates charged by banks and private lenders are often the reason why the poor have a hard time getting loans.

This program bridges this gap by providing loans without interest, so the underprivileged can borrow without increasing their debt. The Qarz e Hasna scheme, in particular, is directed at targeting small entrepreneurs and farmers or low-income individuals who have skills but cannot afford or expand their business ventures.

Quick Details Table: Ehsaas Program Qarz e Hasna

Program NameEhsaas Program Qarz e Hasna
ObjectiveProvide interest-free loans to low-income individuals and small businesses
Loan AmountPKR 20,000 – PKR 75,000
Interest0% (Interest-Free)
EligibilityLow-income individuals, Pakistani citizens (18-60 years), valid CNIC
Application MethodThrough Ehsaas Centers or partner organizations
Required DocumentsCNIC, proof of income, basic business plan (for business loans)
Repayment Term6 months – 2 years (flexible, based on repayment ability)
Loan DisbursementBank transfer or mobile payment platforms
Key BenefitsNo interest, no hidden fees, easy repayment terms

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Ehsaas Qarz-e-Hasna, the applicant must meet the following eligibility criteria:

Income Status: They should have originated from low-income backgrounds. The program serves applicants who, by their income status, cannot guarantee the repayment of loans in commercial banks.

Business Plan: Loan applicant who will borrow money for the purposes of starting a business or to boost it, should have a nutty business plan. This makes sure that the loan will be utilized with a productive aim.

Age: The applicant should be aged between 18 and 60 years.

Citizenship: The applicant is to be a Pakistani citizen with valid CNIC .
Reputation: No applicant is allowed that has a history of having defaulted on loans in the past.

Application Procedure

The Qarz e Hasna application procedure is straightforward and hassle-free. Here are the significant steps below:

Visit to the nearest Ehsaas Center: Those interested in applying are supposed to report their nearest Ehsaas Center or the assigned partner organizations that accept the loan application.

Submit the Required Document: The document which is required for that includes valid CNIC, proof of income, and a simple business plan in case of taking business loans. The applicant may also need some references from the community to check his/her eligibility.

Approval Process Once an application is submitted, it will be verified and then approved. Verification and approval involved the review of financial status of the applicant, the proposed business plan if any, and the creditworthiness of the applicant.

Loan Disbursal: Following the confirmation, the amount approved will be disbursed through bank transfers or mobile payment gateways to the loan applicant. As per the applicant’s need and the business type, the loan generally lies in the range of PKR 20,000 to PKR 75,000.

Terms of Repayment

Interestingly, the most attractive element of Ehsaas Qarz e Hasna is that loans carry no interest. Repayment of the principal amount only with the specified time span is done. There are six months to two years. The exact repayment schedule is determined keeping in mind flexibility and support within the program according to the repayment capability of the borrower.

Except for the lack of interest, there is no hidden charge or fee associated with the loan program. This makes the loan program suitable for the poor who fear borrowing money in case interest rates are unusually high.

Effect of the Program

Qarz e Hasna has already taken over the lives of many Pakistanis. Thousands of families were relieved since its launch and started their small businesses, farmed for investment in their business and to support their families. For many borrowers, the Qarz e Hasna loan has been a lifeline. It’s giving not just financial relief but also a sense of dignity and self-reliance. Loan recipients running small businesses reported higher incomes, better living standards, and more education and healthcare provided to their families.
Challenges and Opportunities

Although there have been many successes under the Qarz e Hasna scheme, many challenges remain to be addressed. More than anything else, most of the target people, especially those from the rural areas, are not aware of the scheme or its advantages. Better coordination, across various levels of administration, among government departments and other partner organizations, is also necessary to simplify the application and disbursal process. However, the program provides numerous opportunities for growth. Expansion and tracking will allow the government to further facilitate this program’s efficiency. Also, the government can reach out to more in-need people by collaborating and working with NGOs and community leaders more often.


The Ehsaas Program Qarz e Hasna is a paradigmatic program which empowers low-income Pakistanis to obtain much-needed loans. In effect, since the loans were interest free, it was empowering people who wanted to uplift themselves out of poverty and work towards a better future for themselves. As the program expands and improves, its potentiality for bringing about even more positive change in thousands of Pakistanis whom it may save from dependence and untold instability can be thought of in that perspective as well.

This is a scheme based upon the doctrine of social justice, bridging peoples’ immediate money needs and developing an entrepreneurship culture with a self-reliant economy. Here, Qarz e Hasna has proven to be an effective tool for economic empowerment between the privileged and the underserved in Pakistan.

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